Blog Entries - 2021

Warren County Imagination Library

CJHS 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip
This year's 8th grade trip to Washington DC was another success. Weather was fantastic, kids were great and everyone had a wonderful time. Students were able to visit and learn about places like Arlington Cemetery, National Holocaust Museum,
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCarlisle Students Honor Our Veterans
Mr. Sprandel's 7th grade and Mrs. Winkler's 8th grade students celebrated and honored Veteran's Day this year by doing several different things in class. Students went home and were encouraged to speak with their parents and guardians about family
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Anthony Munoz Leadership Conference
The following students attended the Anthony Munoz Leadership Conference on Wednesday, November 3rd. Pictured are: Front row, L to R: Carlie Bishop, Rory Adams, Abby Campbell, Derek Sprandel, Alyssa Nocerro, Bailey Sprandel Back row, L to R: Elsie
Blog Entry Synopsis EndFinalForms - UPDATE
We are very excited to announce that Carlisle Local Schools has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service that will be replacing paper forms. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign enrollment, back-to-school and athletic
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Final Forms All families of students that attend Carlisle Local School District will be asked to register with “Final Forms”. This is a brief description of what you will be registering for as you receive your invite - please click
Blog Entry Synopsis EndSummer Office Hours
To request an education verification or transcript please contact To request a work permit please contact Junior/Senior High Secretaries will return to the office August 2nd
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Click the below to watch a live stream the NJHS Ceremony.
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SUPERINTENDENT UPDATE - FEBRUARY 12, 2021: Presidents' Day & Vaccine/Recovery Dates
Presidents’ Day: Due to the modification to the school calendar based on the late opening of school this year, everyone is reminded that Carlisle Local Schools will be in session on Presidents’ Day - Monday, February 15, 2021. Vaccine and
Carlisle Jr./Sr. High School is starting to gear up for the 2021 Miamisburg Art Show which runs from March 6-26. Carlisle Day is March 7. Support our art students by attending the showing!
For more information, CLICK HERE to view the informational flyer.
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